Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation
Frederick Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory, introduced in his seminal 1959 book "The Motivation to Work," revolutionized the understanding of workplace motivation, distinguishing between Hygiene Factors and Motivators. Like the Johari Window,…
Gibbs Reflective Cycle
The Gibbs Reflective Cycle, a model introduced by Graham Gibbs in 1988 in his book "Learning by Doing," is a powerful tool for facilitating deep learning and improvement in both…
The Emotional Cycle of Change
The Emotional Cycle of Change, much like the Johari Window, offers profound insights into the human psyche and the dynamics of personal transformation. Introduced in the 1970s by psychologists Don…
Negotiating With Stakeholders
Negotiating with stakeholders is a critical skill in both project management and organizational leadership, requiring a strategic approach to reconcile differing interests and objectives. Effective negotiation ensures that projects and…
10 Steps of Negotiation
Negotiation is a complex and dynamic process that involves two or more parties attempting to resolve differences and reach an agreement. While the specific steps of negotiation can vary depending…
Circles of Concern and Influence
The concepts of "Circles of Concern and Influence" originate from Stephen R. Covey's influential book, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People." This framework helps individuals focus their time and…
Reward Power vs Coercive Power
Reward power and coercive power are two types of power dynamics identified in social science, particularly within the context of organizational behavior and leadership studies. These concepts help explain how…
Hofstede Cultural Dimensions
Geert Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory is a framework for understanding cultural differences across countries and regions. Developed in the late 20th century, Hofstede's research identified several key dimensions that describe…
Strategic Workforce Planning
The "7 Bs" of Strategic Workforce Planning is a modern approach that offers a framework for organizations to effectively plan and optimize their workforce in alignment with their strategic goals.…
The GROW Coaching Model
The GROW Coaching Model is a structured framework used to guide coaching conversations. Its simplicity and flexibility have made it a popular choice for coaches across various fields, including business,…